$27.00 USD

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Nature Practice Collective

Scholarship Pricing.

This offer is reserved for BIPOC or for people earning in the "Global South" who could benefit from financial assistance.

What's Included?

To get started:

  •  🐚 Nature Practice Foundations: six weeks of daily audio guidance of my favorite practices, delivered through short audio recordings, which you can listen to on your own schedule, right outside your door.  

  •  📔 A custom-designed printable journal: to help you to track your progress and record your transformation.

  • 🫶 Personal mentoring:  Monthly Sharing Circles to help you overcome any challenge or obstacle.

  • 🐋 Our International community of Earth Lovers committed to peace:  make new friends and practice in community.

You will also get this TIME LIMITED BONUS:

  •  🌸 Immediate access to the Overwhelm Care Package (valued at $972)
  • 🌿 Special Cohort Experience: 7 Live weekly calls to support your successful completion of the Foundations, while making new friends.  We start on the new moon.

In Month 3, you will also gain access to our:

  • 🌙 New Moon and Full moon gatherings:  live online Zoom sharing circles to deepen and sustain the growth of your nature-infused calm.

  • 🎥  A library of more advanced teachings and practices: built over the course of 4+ years of teachings.


It's as if I gained access to another layer of myself. A part of myself that's quieter and more grounded. Connected to an ancient wisdom.
